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Book: Information domain

Information domain @intelligent networks and smart communications In this book, we discuss the new trends for improvement the intelligent tools, and the structure, characteristics and applications of neural networks that are increasingly used in the business, security system, media and games. These networks are the further development of advanced technologies such as machine learning and deep learning, AI and smart infrastructures. The neural network technologies have a big potential for solving a variety complex problems and applications in the engineering science, finance, and market analysis. This book tries to explain what are the connections between information, big data, machine learning, … Continue reading Book: Information domain

Мисловни рефлексии

(симулации и смарт алтернативи) Книгата е ориентирана към важни проблеми, характерни за  началото на 21 век, предизвикани от нови технологични  трансформации и промяна в начина на живот и поведение на хората. Информацията играе важна роля в тези промени, но от друга страна достъпът  до качествена информация е затруднен или изисква специални ресурси, знание и компетенции, за да бъде извлечена.     Книгата е с популярна насоченост, без претенции за висока прецизност или научност,  по скоро е своеобразна интерпретация на важни процеси от хуманна, гледна точка.     От особена важност е как личността се вписва или не вписва в новите, инспирирани от … Continue reading Мисловни рефлексии

Кризи и превенция (14 модела за реакция)

     Книга “Кризи и превенция”, 2020          Книгата „Кризи и превенция“ съдържа три основни части, дискутират се важни подходи и принципи, свързани с новите технологии, които могат да променят моделите за реакция по време на кризисни и екстремални ситуации. Някои от тези технологични направления, които могат да подобрят способностите за управление при кризи са: комуникация  от типа “машина-машина” (M2M); машинно обучение(ML); интернет на “предметите/обектите”(IoT); невронни мрежи(ANN) ; когнитивни технологии и семантични техники.       Комбинацията от напреднали технологии като информация, биотехнологии и нанотехнологии притежават потенциала радикално да променят и развият съвременната икономика и общество. Кризи, превенция и информация са взаимосвързани … Continue reading Кризи и превенция (14 модела за реакция)

Cyber media and Journalism

Media conference at New Bulgarian university Topic: Cybernetic media and Journalism Date: May 16-17, 2019 Place: Department of mass communication Room: 409/building 1 During the conference we will discuss the influence on the media development of new intelligence technologies : AI, ML, Deep Learning, Big data, IoT!34550 Continue reading Cyber media and Journalism

New Amazon Echo speaker

Key details from the Echo product: Plays all your music from Amazon Music, Spotify, Pandora, iHeartRadio, TuneIn, and more using just your voice Fills the room with immersive, 360º omni-directional audio Answers questions, reads the news, reports traffic and weather, reads audiobooks from Audible, gives info on local businesses, provides sports scores and schedules, and more using the Alexa Voice Service Controls lights, fans, switches, thermostats, garage doors, sprinklers, locks, and more with compatible connected devices from WeMo and so on…. Continue reading New Amazon Echo speaker

Tim Berners-Lee, Inventor of the Web, Plots a Radical Overhaul of His Creation | WIRED

Source: Tim Berners-Lee, Inventor of the Web, Plots a Radical Overhaul of His Creation | WIRED The future of the web will depend just as much on that sort of stewardship in the future as it does on new technology fixes. Berners-Lee is working to make this a reality through an open source project called Solid. He hopes to create an open technology standard that different applications can use to share data, regardless of what that data is or what type of application needs to read it. Continue reading Tim Berners-Lee, Inventor of the Web, Plots a Radical Overhaul of His Creation | WIRED

Google AI’s zoom and enhance photo tech gives you nowhere to hide | The method uses two different neural networks. First, the conditioning network will try and map the 64 block mess against high-resolution images in the database. Then the prior network, based on predictive neural work from PixelCNN uses its prior knowledge to deduce what the photo probably looks like, based on millions of existing images.

Source: Google AI’s zoom and enhance photo tech gives you nowhere to hide | TheINQUIRER Continue reading Google AI’s zoom and enhance photo tech gives you nowhere to hide | The method uses two different neural networks. First, the conditioning network will try and map the 64 block mess against high-resolution images in the database. Then the prior network, based on predictive neural work from PixelCNN uses its prior knowledge to deduce what the photo probably looks like, based on millions of existing images.

Umberto Eco about Internet

From Internet to Gutenberg 1996 A lecture presented by Umberto Eco at Columbia University, The Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America November 12, 1996 According to Umberto Eco the computer made us to return to a Gutenberg Galaxy. People who spend their night implementing an unending Internet conversation are principally dealing with words. If the TV screen can be considered a sort of ideal window through which one watches the whole world under the form of images, the computer screen is an ideal book on which one reads about the world in form of words and pages.The classical computer provided a linear sort … Continue reading Umberto Eco about Internet